If your dentist has prescribed a specific treatment for you or identified a condition that requires treatment, you can find information relevant to it below.
What is periodontitis or gum disease?
Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in North America. It is progressive and leads to loss of bone and subsequently teeth. Gum disease is a serious condition that is often without symptoms. The disease process begins with a buildup of plaque and bacteria and inflammatory body reaction leading to gingivitis, a bacterial infection of the gum tissue only. If left untreated, in susceptible individuals the infection can progress to cause destruction of hard and soft tissues of surrounding teeth called periodontitis. In severe cases of periodontitis otherwise healthy tooth could become loose and lost due to inadequate supporting tissues.
For a long time it was thought that only bacteria was the factor that linked periodontal disease to other disease in the body; however, more recent research demonstrates that body defence and inflammation to those bacteria is also responsible for the association. Therefore, treating inflammation may not only help manage periodontal diseases but may also help with the management of other chronic inflammatory conditions.
Treatment for Periodontitis
Loss of teeth supporting tissues and the complications of periodontal disease are controllable. The disease can be successfully treated through proper oral hygiene and required procedures that aim to restore the health of gums and teeth. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to stopping it. Treatments for periodontal disease can be as simple as deep scaling and root planing, meticulous oral hygiene and a periodic professional lifetime cleaning. Pocket reduction or elimination procedures, tissue regeneration to restore gums and dental implants to replace lost teeth are more advance treatments which some time warranted to achieve the best outcomes.
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that specifically aims to regenerate lost supporting tooth and periodontal structures (bone, periodontal ligament, and connective tissue attachment). This is accomplished by using biocompatible barrier membranes and bone grafts to direct specific cells to the desired sites to produce new bone and soft tissue
A confident, beautiful smile is one of the first things people notice about your face. If you’re not happy with your smile, a periodontist can help! Just as cosmetic surgery has been helping people improve their appearance, several periodontal plastic surgery procedures are available to help enhance the aesthetics of your teeth and gums.
Here are some examples of popular procedures:
Gummy smile and uneven gum line correction
Anatomical crown exposure is used on patients whose teeth appear too short, or their gum line is uneven or“gummy.” During anatomical crown exposure, your dental professional removes excess soft tissue and sometimes hard tissue to expose more of the tooth crown, the white enamel covered part of the tooth. Once the excess gum and tissue is removed, the gum line is then sculpted to create a more correct proportion between gum tissue and tooth surface. This can be done to just one tooth to even out your gum or to several teeth to expose a natural and broad smile.
Crown Lengthening
Your dentist may recommend dental crown lengthening to make a restorative or cosmetic dental procedure possible. When a tooth is decayed or broken below the gum line or has insufficient tooth structure for a restoration, such as a crown or bridge, crown lengthening allows your periodontist or dentist to adjust the gum and bone level to expose more of the tooth so it can be restored.
Anatomical crown exposure and/or crown lengthening both provide a solution to optimize the health, appearance, and comfort of your teeth. These procedures can give you a beautiful new smile and boost your overall confidence, but most importantly, they can help improve your overall periodontal health.
Root Coverage
Gingival recession (receding gums) is the exposure in the roots of the teeth caused by a loss of gum tissue and/or retraction of the gingival margin from the crown of the teeth. Gum recession is a common problem in adults over the age of 40, but it may also occur starting from the teens.
There are many possible causes for gingival recession:
- Periodontal disease: By far the most common cause is gum disease (periodontal disease). Inadequate brushing and flossing allows bacteria to build up between the teeth and below the gumline, which leads to painless, chronic inflammation of the gums and gradual recession, with increased tooth mobility as the supporting bone is lost.
- Thin gum tissue: There are two types of gum tissue, thin biotype and thick biotype. In thin biotype, the thickness of the gum tissue is inadequate and more susceptible to recession.
- High frenum and muscle attachment: Fraenum is a small fold of tissue that prevents lip or tongue from moving too far. When the attachment of frenum is too strong or it is highly positioned close to margin of gum, it can cause recession by pulling the gums off the bone.
- Overaggressive brushing: which causes the enamel at the gum line to be worn away over time by scrubbing the sides of the teeth in a washboard fashion
- Improper flossing (i.e., flossing too roughly or aggressively) which may cut into the gums
- Hereditary thin, fragile or insufficient gingival tissue predisposes to gingival recession.
- Excessive clenching and grinding of the teeth (bruxism) can sometimes worsen pre-existing periodontal disease. By itself, bruxism may cause a reversible increase in tooth mobility, but not any gingival recession.
- stomach acid: damage from self-induced vomiting, which may be associated with certain eating disorders
- Dipping tobacco: which affects the mucous membrane lining in the mouth and will cause receding gums over time
- Self-inflicted trauma, such as habits like digging a fingernail or pencil into the gum. This type of recession more commonly associated with children and persons with psychiatric disorders.
- Scurvy: (lack of dietary vitamin C)
- Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- Adult orthodontic movement of teeth.
- Abnormal tooth position, such as tooth crowding, giving inadequate cover of one or more teeth by the jaw bone.[1]
- Piercings in the lip or tongue that wear away the gum by rubbing against it.
Treatment should start with addressing the problem(s) that caused the gum recession. If overactive brushing is the cause, the patient should consider purchasing a softer toothbrush and use a more gentle brushing technique. If poor plaque control was a contributing factor, improved oral hygiene must be performed, combined with regular professional dental cleanings as prophylaxis. If severe calculus (tartar) was the cause, then a procedure called scaling and root planing may be necessary to clean the teeth and heal inflammation in the gingiva (gums). If malocclusion (incorrect bite) was a factor, an occlusal adjustment (bite adjustment) or bite splint may be recommended.
If cause-specific measures are insufficient, soft-tissue graft surgery may be used to create more gingiva. The tissue used may be autologous tissue from another site in the patient’s mouth, or it can be soft tissue alograft.
Depending upon the shape of the gum recession and the levels of bone around the teeth, areas of gum recession can be regenerated with new gum tissue using a variety of gum grafting and soft tissue generation techniques, so called, “periodontal plastic procedures”, performed by a specialist in periodontics. These procedures are typically completed under local anesthesia with or without IV conscious sedation, as the patient prefers. This usually involves repositioning of adjacent gum tissue to cover the recession (called a pedicle graft) combined with the connective tissue from the roof of the mouth (called Subepithelial connective tissue graft). Alternatively, a material called acellular dermal matrix (processed donated human skin allograft) may be used instead of tissue from the patient’s own palate.” The goals of a “periodontal plastic procedure” are to add to the volume of your gum, prevent progression of gingival recessions, cover roots as much as possible, develop gum tissue where needed and to make tooth or dental implantlook more natural. This treatment can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay or prepare your teeth for orthodontic treatment. Tooth sensitivity may be reduced as well, and your smile will also improve.
What are dental implants and what can they do for me?
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge in place. While high – tech in nature, dental implants are actually more tooth – saving than traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support. Dental implants are so natural – looking and feeling, you may forget you ever lost a tooth.
Advantages of dental implants over dentures or bridges
A dental implant provides several advantages over other tooth replacement options, including:
- Maintaining the integrity of your remaining teeth: In addition to looking and functioning like a natural tooth, a dental implant replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighboring teeth. The other common treatment for the loss of a single tooth, a tooth-supported fixed bridge, requires that the adjacent teeth be ground down to support the cemented bridge. When replacing multiple teeth, bridges and partial dentures rely on support from adjacent teeth, while implantsupported bridges do not.
- Maintaining of bone health: Because a dental implant will replace your toothroot, your jawbone is better preserved. Implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep your bone healthy and intact. With a bridge or denture, some of the bone that previously surrounded the tooth starts to deteriorate.
- Long-term benefits: In the long term, implants are esthetic, functional, and comfortable. On the other hand, gums and bone can recede around a bridge or denture which leaves a visible defect.
Deteriorated bone from bridges and dentures can lead to a collapsed and unattractive smile, and cement holding bridges in place can wash out, allowing bacteria to decay the teeth that are anchoring the bridge. Finally, removable dentures can move around in your mouth, reducing your ability to eat certain foods The success rate of dental implants is highly predictable. They are considered an excellent option for tooth replacement.
Am I a candidate for dental implants?
The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health. Adequate bone in your jaw is needed to support the implant, and the best candidates have healthy gum tissues that are free of Periodontal disease.
Dental implants are intimately connected with the gum tissues and underlying bone in the mouth. Since periodontists are the dental experts who specialized in precisely these areas, they are ideal members of your dental implant team. Not only do periodontists have experience working with other dental professionals, they also have the special knowledge, training and facilities that you need to have teeth that look and feel just like your own. We will work together to make your dreams come true.
What is treatment like?
This procedure is a team effort between you, and our professional team. The peiodontist and your dentist will consult with you to determine where and how your implant should be placed. depending upon your specific condition and the type of implant chosen, we will create a treatment plan tailored to meet your needs. It will be important for you to work as a team with us to reach your treatment goals.
What can I expect after treatment?
As you know, your own teeth require conscientious at – home oral care and regular dental visits. Dental implants are like your own teeth and will require the same care.
In order to keep your implant clean and plaque free, brushing and flossing still apply! After treatment, we will work closely with you to develop the best care plan for you. Periodic follow – up visits will be scheduled to monitor your implant, teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy.
Are you ready to venture beyond conventional dentures and bridges?
Jot down your questions about dental implants before your next visit to Dr. Shahidi. He can answer your questions and provide a personal evaluation.
A behind-the-scenes look at a single-tooth implant
You know that your confidence about your teeth affects how you feel about yourself, both personally and professionally. Perhaps you hide your smile because of spaces from missing teeth. Maybe your dentures do not feel secure. Perhaps you have difficulty chewing. If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to smile, speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, there is good news! Dental implants are teeth that can look and feel just like your own!
Replacing Several Teeth
If you are missing several teeth, implant supported bridges can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.
What are the advantages of implant supported bridges over fixed bridges or removable partial dentures?
Dental implants provide several advantages over other teeth replacement options. In addition to looking and functioning like natural teeth, implant supported bridges replace teeth without support from adjacent natural teeth. Other common treatments for loss of several teeth, such as fixed bridges or removable partial dentures, are dependent on support from adjacent teeth.
Implant supported full bridges or dentures are designed to be long lasting Implant -supported full bridges and dentures also are more comfortable and stable than conventional dentures with a more natural biting and chewing capacity allowing you to retain In addition, because implant – supported bridges will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone is better preserved. With a fixed bridge or removable dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth root may begin to deteriorate.
Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact. In the long term, implants are esthetic, functional and comfortable. Gums and bone can recede around a fixed bridge or removable partial denture, leaving a visible defect.
Restored bone beneath bridges or removable partial dentures can lead to a collapsed, unattractive smile. The cement holding bridges in place can wash out, allowing bacteria to decay teeth that anchor the bridge. In addition, removable partial dentures can move around in the mouth and reduce your ability to eat certain foods.
How will the implants be placed?
First, implants, which look like screws or cylinders, are placed into your jaw. Over the next two to six months, the implants and the bone are allowed to bond together to form anchors. During this time, a temporary teeth replacement option can be worn over the implant sites. Often, a second step of the procedure is necessary to uncover the implants and attach extensions. These small metal posts, called healing abutments, complete the foundation on which your new teeth will be placed. Your gums will be allowed to heal for a couple of weeks following this procedure.
There are some implant system (one – stage) that do not require this second step. These system use an implant which already has the extension piece attached. Dr. Shahidi will advise you on which system is best for you.
Depending upon the number of implants placed, the connecting device that will hold your new teeth can be tightened down on the implant, or it may be clipped onto a bar or a round ball anchor to which a denture snaps on and off. Finally, replacement teeth, or bridges, will be created for you by your dentist and attached to the abutments. After a short time, you will experience restored confidence in your smile and your ability to chew and speak. An implant supported bridge replaces four missing teeth.
How will implant placement feel like?
For some people, there is nothing more terrifying than the thought of a trip to the dentist. Even scarier for some is the prospect of replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant.
However, as dental implants grow in popularity as a permanent solution to tooth loss, it is time to put nervous minds at ease.
A recent survey conducted informally by the American Academy of Periodontology asked periodontal patients what factors stopped them from getting a dental implant. The second most popular answer given by respondents was “fear or anxiety”. However, the same survey also revealed that of those patients who had previously received a dental implant, more than half reported “very little to no pain or discomfort” experienced during the process and only 33% described the procedure as “somewhat painful or uncomfortable”. These survey results help demonstrate that although dental implant procedures illicit fear or anxiety in potential patients, the reality is that the actual experience is not something to be feared. Why is everyone so afraid of procedures such as dental implants? Perhaps, fearing the dentist and certain dental procedures is something that is ingrained in our minds from a young age. Perhaps, it is the result of ongoing, perpetuated stereotypes. Regardless of the cause, it is important to find ways to “unlearn” this fear, especially if your dental professional
recommends a dental implant as the best course of treatment. Seeing a dental professional regularly and trusting his or her advice will help you to best maintain your oral health and minimize expense, time, and discomfort. If an implant is recommended Dr. Shahidi may be able to reduce any feeling of anxiety by explaining the procedure.. Knowing exactly what will Occur, when the dental implant is placed can help put your mind at ease. He would also explain options for anxiety and pain management, such as medications, anesthesia, sedation, or relaxation techniques that would make your treatment virtually painless.
Sinus Elevation
When a natural tooth is lost, whether through dental decay, periodontal disease or dental trauma, the alveolar process begins to remodel. The edentulous (toothless) area is termed a ridge, which over time usually loses both height and width. Furthermore, the level of the floor of the maxillary (upper jaw) sinus which is an empty space above the upper back teeth area gradually becomes lower called sinus pneumatization. When it is necessary to place implants in the upper back jaw area, where your bone is very close to your sinus. In that case by doing a procedure, the sinus floor is raised, so that there is more room for new bone grow in order to provide a proper foundation for implants. Sometimes implants can be placed at the same time as a sinus augmentation. Other times bone has to grow in the sinus before the implant(s) can be placed. Sinus Augmentation has been shown to greatly increase the success of implants in the upper back areas of the jaw. Following “Sinus augmentation” may, you will be ready to have your implants placed be after four to six months of healing time.
“Sinus augmentation” has been shown to greatly increase your chances for successful implants that can last for years to come.
Ridge Splitting
Ridge splitting is a minimally invasive technique for ridge (post extraction hard tissue where the implant is placed) widening or augmentation. When the alveolar ridges are narrow it is impractical to place a right size implant into the bone. In that case, ridge splitting is considered a time saving, minimal invasive and successful method. Use of this technique has many advantages in the pre-prosthetic stage of dental implants. The ridge-split technique and implant placement usually requires only a single surgical stage. Low risk of adjacent tissues injury, less pain and swelling, and no need for a second surgical site as donor are among other benefits. A practitioner’s experience is an important component of this technique. This form of surgery modifies the configuration of the bone and is usually performed in a closed fashion and using a tactile sense. There is a need for a careful manipulation of the thin ridge, knowledge of precise surgical principles, and specialized training.
Guided bone regeneration or GBR surgical procedures utilize barrier membranes and bone graft to direct the growth of new bone at sites having insufficient volumes or dimensions of bone for implant placement. This bone loss could be caused by periodontal disease, wearing dentures, injury, or trauma. During this procedure, bone or a bone substitute is added where needed to ensure a proper foundation for implants. Bone grafting used in conjunction with sound surgical technique, GBR is a reliable and validated procedure.
Socket preservation
Socket preservation or alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) is a procedure that reduces bone loss after tooth extraction in order to preserve the dental alveolus (tooth socket) in the alveolar bone. The human body reduces the amount of bone that is not sufficiently used with daily stress. Without the strain stimulus, the jaw bone behaves (with or without socket preservation) as if the space occupied by the tooth and periodontal ligament was empty. After extraction, jaw bone has to be preserved to keep the socket in its original shape. Without socket preservation, the bone quickly resorbs resulting in 30-60% loss in bone volume in the six months after dental extraction. The jaw bone will never revert to its original shape once bone is lost and tissue contour has changed.
The most common technique involves filling the socket with bone or a bone substitute, and allowing the bone to heal during a period of approximately three to six months before implant placement
Alveoplasty is the surgical alteration of the shape and condition of the alveolar process and jaw bone, in preparation for denture construction. An alveoplasty is done in areas where teeth have been already removed or lost or simultaneously during teeth extraction procedure.
When teeth are extracted, the remaining jaw bone ridge can present irregularities, undercuts or bone which, if not removed before placement of the partial or complete denture, can lead to injury and stability / retention problems of the denture.
Anxiety Control to Put Your Mind at Ease
Lime Perioidontics provides conscious IV sedation to ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed during your procedure. Conscious IV sedation is a safe, drug induced state in which you are conscious and pleasantly relaxed- yet free of fear, anxiety and apprehension. IV Conscious Sedation, or so called twilight sedation will essentially help alleviate the anxiety associated with your treatment, as well as the ability to eliminate the memory of those procedures. Therefore, it helps not remembering the unpleasant experience of the procedure and more post operational comfort. It is different than general anesthesia, and it does not carry the inherent risks associated with general anesthesia.
The Glossary of Periodontal Terms defines an impacted tooth as:
An unerupted or partially erupted tooth so positioned that complete eruption is unlikely
Impacted canines are a relatively common finding in dental practice. After the third molar, the maxillary canine is the most frequently impacted tooth. The prevalence of impacted maxillary canines is reported to range from 1.5 to 4% (Elefteriadis & Athanasiou, 1995; Ericson & Kurol, 1988; Fox et al, 1995; Stewart et al 2001). The maxillary impacted canine is more frequently located palatally (85%) than labially (15%). The orthodontist can use the patient dental age timetable to decide whether to monitor progress, initiate prophylactic treatment, or recommend surgical exposure of the tooth. Following the exposure of the impacted tooth, the orthodontist will move the exposed tooth the right location in the dental arch
Treatment options for none wisdom impacted teeth
For patients with impacted teeth, several treatment options are available. After clinical and radiographic analyses, patients and parents can be presented with the advantages and disadvantages of three options:
- No treatment. If a patient decide to have neither surgical nor orthodontic treatment, the dentist should monitor the impacted tooth by radiographic examination, looking for the development of pathologic changes such as root resorption of adjacent teeth. The patient is informed of all associated risks, including the poor prognosis for long-term retention of the short-rooted primary canines.
- Extraction of the impacted tooth. Once it is extracted the tooth can be replaced with an implant or a fixed partial denture. Another solution is to move the distal teeth forward, replacing the missing canine with the first premolar.
- Combined surgical and orthodontic treatment. This is the most satisfactory option. With a combined surgical and orthodontic approach an impacted tooth can be brought to the ideal position, therefore achieving esthetic and function. A gentle procedure on gum tissue and removal of hard tissue, overlying the tooth is done to expose the impacted tooth underneath, then an orthodontic bracket and chain will be bonded to the exposed tooth. Following surgical intervention you will be referred back to your orthodontist where he/she will slowly move the exposed tooth into its proper position in the dental arch.
You already know that visiting your dental professional regularly for a check-up and cleaning is an essential part of keeping your oral health at its best. However, these visits may not specifically look for signs of periodontal disease.
The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recommends that you receive a comprehensive periodontal evaluation, or CPE, annually to determine if you have or if you are at risk for periodontal disease. By assessing your periodontal health yearly, you and your dental professional will know how healthy your teeth and gums are, and will be better able to assess if you need additional treatment. Your CPE can be performed at your regular yearly check-up by a member of the dental team, including a general dentist, registered dental hygienist, or periodontist.
Your dental professional will assess these six areas during your CPE:
- Your Teeth: Your dental professional will examine the healthiness of the correlation of your gums and your teeth and any restorations you might have, including dental fillings, dental implants, crowns, and dentures and . During the examination of your teeth, he or she will note the position of the teeth and their closeness to one another.
- Your Plaque: The amount and location of any plaque and/or tartar will be assessed
- Your Gums: An instrument called a dental probe will be inserted into the space between your tooth and gums to measure the depth of your gum pockets and to see how well your gums attach to your teeth. Any bleeding that occurs during theprobing process, as well as any inflammation of your gums, will also be recorded.
- Your Bite: Your dental professional will then observe your bite, also known as occlusion. While you bite down, your dental professional will look to see how your teeth fit together and for any signs of tooth movement or loose teeth. This is important because moving or loose teeth can be a sign of periodontal disease.
- Your Bone Structure: Your dental professional will examine the bone in and around your mouth since it can be affected by periodontal disease. X-rays may be taken to help evaluate the quality of bone in your upper and lower jaw areas and to determine if any bone loss has occurred.
- Your Risk Factors: You will be asked about a variety of risk factors for periodontal disease, including age, tobacco use, if any other family members have periodontal disease, or if you have another systemic condition that may be linked to periodontal disease, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
When your dental professional has finished your comprehensive periodontal evaluation, he or she will discuss the findings with you and explain if any treatment is needed. This is a good time to ask any questions you may have about the evaluation, findings, or anything else regarding your oral health.
In addition to brushing twice each day, flossing at least once each day, and seeing your dental professional for regular cleanings, receiving your annual CPE is an essential part of your oral health routine.
There are many indications for hopeless teeth to be extracted. Occasionally, teeth with advanced gum disease (periodontitis) are loose due to substantial destruction of tooth supporting tissues. On different occasions, erupted or impacted (stuck and unable to grow normally into the mouth) wisdom teeth may compromise the condition of the supporting tissues of adjacent teeth, or cause recurrent infections of the gum (pericoronitis). Also under certain circumstances, teeth can break or fracture. This can occur because of trauma due to a fall or injury, or in many cases while eating if the tooth is heavily restored with a large filling. If the break is small, the tooth could be repaired. However, if the break is vertically along the tooth or the fracture line extends beyond the gum it is irreparable. In some other cases, the teeth are badly damaged due to decay which cannot be fixed. If the fractured tooth is not extracted, it could cause consistent pain when chewing, damage or infection of tooth, supporting tissues and adjacent teeth. These are some of the conditions under which an extraction may be necessary.
In orthodontics, if the teeth are crowded, sound teeth may be extracted (often bicuspids) to create space so that the rest of the teeth can be straightened. Occasionally, some individuals may have inadequate jaw size to accommodate all of the existing teeth or in other cases an extra tooth or teeth would result having inadequate space for all the teeth in the jaw resulting in crowding. Mal-position of teeth may compromise the accessibility for cleaning and maintenance of those teeth and consequently causing inflammation of supporting tissues. That is another indication that a tooth extraction.
At the time of extraction of your tooth, jawbone and gums that surround the area need to be numbed with a local anesthetic to avoid any pain. In addition, sedation techniques including oral or conscious IV sedation (twilight sleep), N2O (Laughing Gas) techniques could be applied to overcome anxiety
Dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a special type of x-ray machine used in situations where regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient. This type of CT scanner uses a special type of technology to generate three dimensional (3-D) images of dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths and bone in the jaws and mid-lower face region in a single scan. Images obtained with CBCT allow for more precise treatment planning.
Dental CBCT provides a fast and non-invasive way of answering a number of clinical questions. Dental CBCT images provide three-dimensional (3-D) information, rather than the two-dimensional (2-D) information provided by conventional X-ray images such as panoramic image. This help to achieve a higher quality of diagnosis, treatment planning, evaluation of certain conditions, and more accurate procedures. In other words, we can more precisely determine where an implant can be successfully placed, evaluate pathology in a jaw, locate a problem with a tooth such as a fracture or impaction, as well as determining if there is a root resorption. These are digital images with minimal patient radiation.
At Lime Periodontics, we will use CBCT images on site for diagnosis and treatments in our clinic. In a broader aspect, we also will have the ability to provide this unique imaging facility in town and the surrounding area for other dentists with reports.
Your First Visit
Your first visit will involve a periodontal or dental implant examination by Dr. Peyman Shahidi and his team. If you have been referred by your dentist, please ensure you bring:
- The referral slip and x-rays from your dentist (if they have not been sent electronically)
- A list of medications you are currently taking
- If you have dental insurance, please bring any forms or cards with you to the appointment. We will assist you with your insurance forms.
Payment Options
To ensure you receive the care you need as quickly as possible without financial barriers we offer a range of payment options and can submit claims directly to your insurance provider.